Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quotes: Tao Te Ching

Some favorite quotes from the Tao Te Ching, by loa tzu:

(Mysterious Virtue)
Pacify the agitated material soul and holding to oneness:
Are you able to avoid separation?
Focusing your energy on the release of tension:
Can you be like an infant?
In purifying your insight:
Can you un-obstruct it?
Loving the people and ruling the state:
Can you avoid over-manipulation?
In opening and closing the gate of Heaven:
Can you be the female?
In illuminating the whole universe:
Can you be free of rationality?

Give birth to it and nourish it.
Produce it but don't possess it.
Act without expectation.
Excel, but don't take charge.

This is called Mysterious Virtue

(Absence Equals Usefulness)
Cut doors and windows to make a room
It is because of its emptiness that the room is useful.
Therefore, what is present is used for profit.

But it is absence that there is usefulness.

(Keep Stillness Whole)
Effect emptiness to the extreme.
Keep stillness whole.

(Perfect Continuity)
If even Heaven and Earth cannot force perfect continuity
How can people expect to?

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