Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quotes: Neverwhere

Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman:

(Uncomfortably Female)
Jessica didn't like Richard's apartment: it made her feel uncomfortably female.

(Angels and Candles)
Then it stood up, and walked away, back through the Hall, the way it had come; and the candles went out as it passed, as they had done for tens of thousands of years.

(Lack of Redeeming Features)
"When you don't have any redeeming features, you don't take particularly kindly to disappointment, do you, Mister Vandemar?"

(Sunny and Delightful Disposition)
Mr. Vandemar showed them his teeth, demonstrating his sunny and delightful disposition. It was unquestionably the most horrible thing that Richard had ever seen.

(Do Not Trust Reasonable Voices)
Somewhere inside Richard a small, reasonable voice pointed out that there never was an Atlantis, and, thus emboldened, went on to state that there were no such things as angels, and that, furthermore, most of his experiences of the last few days had been impossible. Richard ignored it. He was learning, awkwardly, to trust his instincts, and to realize that the simplest and most likely explanations for what he had seen and experienced recently were the ones that had been offered up to him- no matter how unlikely they might seem.

(Darkness is Happening)
"What's happening?" whispered Richard.
"Darkness is happening," said the leather woman very quietly. "Night is happening. All the nightmares that have come out when the sun goes down, since the cave times, when we huddled together in fear for safety and for warmth, are happening. Now," she told them, "now is the time to be afraid of the dark."

(A Place of Things that Are)
Metaphors failed him, then. He had gone beyond that world of metaphor and simile into the place of things that are, and it was changing him.

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