I have wanted to read the Tao Te Ching for a long time now. For anyone unfamiliar, the Tao is the force that flows through all living things. It is a spiritual book, Taoism being one the main religions of ancient China. It can be eye opening at times, and made me think about how I act. Although each proverb, if you will, is short, it is rather poetic and deserves to be read slowly and thought about. I recommend finding a copy with notes, but not a full a on analysis- think through it for yourself and find what it means to you. Good for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the world in general- the Tao will teach you how to relax and go with the flow. I enjoyed this book greatly, because it's one of those reads that make you stop and think. It's difficult giving a review- I feel like some chapters will receive very different reactions. I wish I had someone to discuss specific proverbs with, it would make the experience (yes, reading this was an experience) all the better.
Quotes: Tao Te Ching
When the sage lives with people, she harmonizes with them
And conceals her mind for them.
The sages treat them as their little children
Seeing the subtle is illumination.
Keeping flexible is called strength
Use the illumination, but return to the light.
Don't bring harm to yourself.
(Nothing Can Alter It)
Nothing in the world is softer than water,
Yet nothing is better at overcoming the hard and strong.
This is because nothing can alter it.
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